Friendship, Film, Pizza on Campus for Alum Moazzam Sheikh

Monday, August 03, 2015
THE NEWS ON SUNDAY (PAKISTAN) -- This all changed one day as I sat taking my break from work at a pizza shop on San Francisco State campus when a young man my age came and asked, “May I sit down here?” In the next 15 minutes our conversation changed my life. Jeff, originally from Chicago, had recently arrived from Tempe, Arizona, doing odd jobs. I was a Cinema major and we both loved cinema. Exchanging phone numbers we hoped to catch a movie. Weeks passed. I misplaced his number. One day, as I looked at the movie schedule for Red Vic, a retro theatre where they played old, underground, foreign movies, I realized the theatre was going to play Kurosawa’s classic “Dersu Uzala.” I really wanted to go, cursing myself for having lost his number. As I rummaged through my clutter, the phone rang. One of my roommates picked it up and summoned me. Jeff wanted to know if I’d be interested in seeing “Desru Uzala”!