Professor McDaniel Discusses Role of SF Board of Supervisors President

Monday, January 07, 2019

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE -- “A board president has a little more power and authority than a typical supervisor,” said Jason McDaniel, a political scientist at San Francisco State University. “A skillful board president can shape a lot of what happens in slightly more influential ways than other supervisors.”

But in the end, McDaniel, the political science professor, said, it’s important that whoever is elected can set an amicable tone with the mayor. While Breed has worked with Ronen, Mandelman and Yee in the past — Walton was one of the few candidates she endorsed to win in the November election.

“In general, San Francisco voters would probably be more approving of the idea of a bold president and board that can work with the mayor, rather than oppose her,” he said.
