David Abel and Chris Daniels

Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 5:00 pm
David Abel and Chris Daniels give a reading.
Humanities Building, Poetry Center
Poetry Center
Event extras: 

David Abel

Poet, editor and bookseller David Abel works across disciplines in performance, film, theatre and intermedia projects. He was a founding member of the and Four Wall Cinema. Since moving to Portland, Ore., in 1997, he has been active in organizing poetry readings, such as the Spare Room series. He is the coordinator of the literary arts program at Portland’s Multnomah Arts Center, where he also teaches poetry.

Chris Daniels

Chris Daniels, son of well-known language-artist maestro David Daniels, was born in New York City in 1956. He dropped out of high school and never went to college. He lives and works in the Bay Area. He has written a large anthology of Lusophone poets. A large selection of his translations of Fernando Pessoa appeared in Crayon No. 3. His extraordinary versions of Josely Vianna Baptista’s poems, On the Shining Screen of the Eyelids, were published recently by Manifest Press.