I Am Your Queen: Alum D'Arcy Drollinger

Friday, June 24, 2016
SF WEEKLY -- D'Arcy Drollinger has legs up to ya-ya, as anyone who’s seen her original musical, “Shit and Champagne,” knows. She also has a keen business sense, as one of the four principals behind the year-and-a-half-old SoMa drag club Oasis, which has become a major player in S.F. nightlife in spite of a rather inauspicious start. “The architect was saying, ‘No way, not going to happen for at least another month,’” Drollinger told me last year, when I profiled the club for SF Weekly. “And we’d sold out for New Year's! It was that moment when we had to go to friends in higher places for help.” “I was a theatre major at SF State. I’ve worked On and Off Broadway. I’ve also written 10 original shows.”