Professor Monshipouri's Latest Book Is 'Inside the Islamic Republic: Social Change in Post-Khomeini Iran'

Thursday, December 20, 2018

THE FRIDAY TIMES (LAHORE, PAKISTAN) -- The post-Khomenei era has profoundly changed the sociopolitical landscape of Iran. Since 1989, the internal dynamics of change in Iran, rooted in a panoply of socioeconomic, cultural, institutional, demographic and behavioral factors, have led to a noticeable transition in both societal and governmental structures of power, as well as the way in which many Iranians have come to deal with the changing conditions of their society. This is all exacerbated by the global trend of communication and information expansion, as Iran has increasingly become the site of the burgeoning demands for women’s rights, individual freedoms, and festering tensions and conflicts over cultural politics. These realities, among other things, have rendered Iran a country of unprecedented — and, at times, paradoxical — changes. This book explains how and why.

Mahmood Monshipouri is professor of International Relations at San Francisco State University. He has published and edited a number of books, most recently Democratic Uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa: Youth, Technology, and Modernization.
