NY Times: Professor McDaniel Compares NYC Mayor's Race to 2010 Oakland Mayor's Race

Thursday, June 24, 2021
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Don Perata, the former head of the California State Senate, led his more progressive opponents Jean Quan by 8.7 percentage points and Rebecca Kaplan by 12.2 points after the first round. But in the elimination rounds, Ms. Quan ended up with 68 percent of the votes from ballots that listed neither her nor Mr. Perata first, and she narrowly defeated him. There was a big difference, though, between that race and the New York race: Ms. Quan and Ms. Kaplan cross-endorsed each other and co-led an “anybody but Don” attack on Mr. Perata. “It was really cooperative campaigning between two people who were more on the left,” said Jason McDaniel, an associate professor of Political Science at San Francisco State University. “It was specifically about going against the perceived establishment candidate.”